Chapter 217: Praised by an Uncle

Fu Jingyu extended his hands seriously, prying her off him, "Speak properly, stop acting cute. I'm not falling for it."

"..." Ye Fanxing had no choice but to sit up straight, obediently waiting for a lecture, "Yes."

She knew that Uncle was sometimes even more shy than she was, so she could only go along with him.

Seeing her like this, Fu Jingyu's reprimanding words softened. He reached out to ruffle her hair gently and said, "I know you're independent and strong, but I can't help but worry when you come home so late. Can you think of anyone else who would care about you as much as I do?"

"I know." Ye Fanxing beamed at him, "I will remember your words, Uncle."

Fu Jingyu leaned on his pillow, "You can go back to your tasks."

Ye Fanxing sat at the edge of the bed unmoved, her gaze full of concern, "I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes." He felt refreshed hearing his girl ask him this. He felt like there was nothing wrong with him at all.