Chapter 368 Uncle's Friend

The expression on Fu Jingyu's face, made Ye Fanxing feel a sense of familiarity, but she could not remember from where.

"He came over last night, stayed with Doctor Ji, and just called to meet with you. He asked if you were free today. Should I invite him over if you're busy?"

"No need," Fu Jingyu said, "I'll arrange a meet up place."

Chiang Sen replied, "Yes."

When he left, Ye Fanxing bravely asked, "Who were you guys talking about?"

She usually doesn't ask about Fu Jingyu's affairs, but her asking now meant she was indeed quite curious.

Fu Jingyu did not elaborate, referring to the person simply as, "a friend."

"Then I'll help you find your clothes."

Fu Jingyu looked at her. With his leg in its current condition, many tasks had to be done by Ye Fanxing. He nodded, "Alright."

Ye Fanxing went to the wardrobe and pulled out formal attire for him, then asked Fu Jingyu, "How about this?"

She often picked his outfits, and over time, her taste had improved greatly.