On Account of Jiaojiao<segment 3526 ¶>

Old Master Qin was expressionless and his words made Mrs Qin's face turn red and pale.

Mr Qin tried to save the situation quickly. "Dad is right. Let's eat first. Let's all eat."

Upon hearing this, everyone started to eat in silence, with only Old Master Qin occasionally saying some words of concern to Pei Yunge.

Beside them, Mr and Mrs Qin's looked terrible, not to mention Qin Youjiao.

This continued throughout the meal.

Mr Qin said respectfully to Old Master Qin, "Dad, I've spent a lot of time contacting Doctor Fang. I finally got in touch with him."

"Why don't I accompany you to Ming City soon and see if there are any better treatment methods?"

"Grand Secretary Fang? Isn't it very difficult to meet Doctor Fang?"

Old Master Qin had heard that this neurologist was very famous in the industry. However, this person was arrogant and was difficult to meet.