Intrude My Territory To Poach Someone?

"Mr Marcus, I will handle this matter properly and apologize to Miss Pei Yunge."

The Vice President immediately said.

Hearing this, Marcus raised his eyebrows and did not provoke him further.

"Freeze the settings of the login software. It will be deactivated automatically in three days."

The Vice President hurriedly nodded. "Okay, okay."

It was fine as long as that big boss was happy.

"As for Miss Pei… I hope you won't say anything you shouldn't say. She doesn't like this," Marcus said.

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut! Sorry for troubling Mr Marcus for this matter."

Marcus glanced at him and cut the video. "Okay, I'm going to work."

"Goodbye, Mr Marcus."

The Vice President's smile froze on his face.

After the video ended, he laid on the chair, completely paralyzed.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"Vice President, about the headlines…" the secretary asked carefully.