Second Brother Returns

Hearing this, Lu Yuansi's expression changed and he stood up before the girl could finish speaking.

"Where is she?!"

Thereafter, Lu Yuansi did not return for the entire morning, but news of Qin Youjiao had spread.

It was said that Qin Youjiao couldn't stand the blow and had fainted from crying in the bathroom because of a certain someone.

Fortunately, Lu Yuansi kicked open the bathroom door and carried the unconscious Qin Youjiao to the infirmary. After that, even Cheng Zihuai, the school beau of the third year of high school, rushed over immediately after learning of this.

Everyone could not help but feel envious. What Qin Youjiao had was the script of a proper female protagonist and was treated like a treasure by every Prince Charming!

In the infirmary.

Cheng Zihuai's handsome face darkened as he clenched his fists. "I knew it. This matter has something to do with Pei Yunge."