Did You Drag Him Like This Just Now?


Every time Hu Zhi wanted to speak, he would be beaten up by Chu Zhixing until he howled painfully.

Within moments, Hu Zhi was lying on the floor, barely breathing.

Seeing this, Pei Yunge was about to step forward when she saw Chu Zhixing suddenly lose his balance and faint.

Before Chu Zhixing fainted, Pei Yunge caught him. Seeing that Chu Zhixing's face was slightly pale but he did not seem to be in pain, Pei Yunge helped him sit on the floor first.

On the other hand, after seeing Chu Zhixing faint, Hu Zhi, who was beside him, laughed coldly as he forced himself up. His eyes were filled with coldness and hatred.

"Damn fatty, you actually dared to hit me… I'll make your life miserable."


Before Hu Zhi could finish speaking, he saw the girl, who has not been aggressive at all just now, look sideways.

In the depths of her pretty eyes, there was a coldness that made one's back turn cold.