Something Might Have Happened to My Granddaughter


Pei Yunge still remembered that because Jian Xi had lost to Cheng Zihuai, she developed a special relationship with Cheng Zihuai and had been helping him pave the way silently.

However, later on, because of an argument between Jian Xi and Qin Youjiao, Qin Youjiao accidentally had a miscarriage and Cheng Zihuai almost strangled Jian Xi to death himself.


Pei Yunge's eyelid moved and she sent another message to Jian Xi.

[You must get first in this computing competition.]

In the dormitory, Jian Xi, who was still in high spirits, suddenly had a doubt.

How did the teacher know that she was going to participate in the computing competition?

Could it be that her uncle told her?

Without thinking too much, Jian Xi replied immediately.

[Don't worry, Teacher. I definitely won't embarrass you!]

Pei Yunge glanced at it and thought for a moment. After replying, she put her phone back in her pocket.
