Backing My Child Up

When Pei Yunge felt a pinch on the nape of her neck, a numbing current seemed to shoot straight up her spine.


It sounded like he was giving her face.

However, when this scene fell into Cheng Xueyuan's eyes, jealousy boiled in her heart as she stared fixedly at these two people who were whispering in public.

"Sir, Pei Yunge already has someone she likes. She likes my younger cousin, Cheng Zihuai!" Cheng Xueyuan's heart ached and her jealousy increased.

It was hard for her to imagine why such a man would fall for Pei Yunge?!

"Cheng Xueyuan!"

Cheng Zihuai, who was beside her, interrupted her with a terrible expression.

However, his eyes followed Pei Yunge closely, wanting to know if she would refute.

"Cheng Xueyuan, must you disgust me in public?"

Pei Yunge slowly asked in return.

Cheng Zihuai's expression darkened even more!

"Pei Yunge, you…"