Does It Seem Like Older Brother Is Treating You Well Because of Someone Else?

Pei Yunge was not that stupid. She knew how much Huo Shidu took care of her.

Including that time at the Qin family old manor.

Pei Yunge also knew that there was a high chance that Huo Shidu stayed to talk alone because of her.

"Why do you ask?"

Huo Shidu's gaze was fixated on her.

"Older Brother seems to have a good relationship with Qin Yu." Pei Yunge said with a smile.

Hearing this, those who did not know would think that Huo Shidu was her real brother.


Huo Shidu could hear the distance in Pei Yunge's voice.

Although this little fellow looked lawless, she was actually very sensitive.

Indeed, Pei Yunge felt that she had given Huo Shidu a lot of trouble. If it was because of Qin Yu, then Huo Shidu might be putting up with her.

However, in the next moment, Pei Yunge dismissed this thought.