Protect Pei Yunge

"Does Older Brother know where my grandma lives?"

Pei Yunge knew what kind of person Lin Jiannan was. Of course, she also knew that it was impossible for Lin Jiannan to provide for the old lady properly in her old age.

"The old lady's place isn't too safe. I'll get someone to bring you there next time."

"Okay." Pei Yunge nodded.

She also knew that this matter could not be rushed.

In the bedroom.

Looking at the medicine in her hand, Pei Yunge fell into deep thought.

In the past, she had seen people who injected drugs. Most of them were trying to alleviate their illnesses or suppress some kind of illness.

Pei Yunge sent a message to Steven.

[Y.G.: Steven, I need your help with something. Can you help me?]

Soon, Steven replied.

[Of course, Miss Pei. Please speak.]

[Y.G.: I have a type of medicine. I'll go to the hospital tomorrow and check its composition. Can you help me analyze its function?]