Severing Ties!

Pei Yunge had yet to speak.

Chu Zhixing retorted, "Student Pei's brother is very handsome!"

"Are you talking about Qin Yu?" asked Lu Yuansi.

Chu Zhixing shook his head. "He doesn't look like Pei… Yunge, but he's really the most handsome person I've ever seen."


Lu Yuansi did not speak. Instead, he applied more medicine on his hand, making Chu Zhixing howl unconsciously.

"It hurts, it hurts. Be gentler…"

When the students around heard this, none of them dared to look at the two boys anymore.

Only Pei Yunge gave Chu Zhixing a knowing look.

With a hand on her cheek, Pei Yunge said with a smile, "My brother is indeed good-looking."

She knew that he was her cup of tea when she first saw him.

After school.

In the car, Qin Youjiao hugged Mrs Qin's arm and whined, "Mom, can you let Second Brother stop pursuing the forum matter…"

"What's wrong?"