Pei Yunge's Defeat

After a long time.

Pei Yunge didn't wait for the two of them to speak before her eyes curled up. "The follow-up will be in three days. How about that?"


One of the interns suddenly regained his senses.

"What's wrong?" Pei Yunge's pen stopped moving.


Instantly, the two interns looked at each other and found it difficult to speak.

Who knew…

After a short silence, they heard her chuckle.

Pei Yunge said slowly, "Actually, if you really don't like me that much, you can find Marcus and ask for a change of teacher."

A few days ago, she had heard Marcus say that these two interns were not too satisfied with her.

The two interns were caught off guard.

"Teacher, I didn't, I'm not! You're mistaken!" The brown-haired intern immediately explained hurriedly.

"Yeah, yeah! We don't want to change teachers!" another one chimed in.

Pei Yunge's eyelids twitched. "Then what are all of you unhappy about?"