Sister Is the Child

"Is it Momo's bunny?"


Pei Yunge watched as the little fellow slipped into her room. She found a power source at the head of the bed and placed the little rabbit by the bed naturally.

After the power source was connected, the little rabbit emitted a soft white light. Even the atmosphere became inexplicably warm and cute.

Seeing that he had completed his masterpiece, the little fellow looked happily at Pei Yunge before he hugged her leg and whined coyly.

"This way, the little rabbit will protect Older Sister on behalf of Momo! Then Older Sister won't be afraid anymore!"

Pei Yunge almost melted from the little fellow's cuteness. She squatted down, hugged the little fellow and kissed him.

"Thank you, Momo. But Momo doesn't have any rabbits anymore. What should we do? Older Sister can't take things from little kids."

"Momo is a man, not a little kid. Girls are little kids their whole lives, so Sister is the child."