What Kind Of God Is Capable of This?

Mrs Qin then said, "She has left this place."

"To her, the Qin family is nothing. It's Old Master's blessing that she came to see him."


Qin Yu and Qin Lang's eyes turned cold as they interrupted almost at the same time.

How could they not hear the sarcasm in Mrs Qin's words?

It was as if she was telling everyone that Pei Yunge was an ungrateful and unfilial person.

"Old Master Zhong, actually, Ge'er, she…"

Qin Yu was about to explain, but was interrupted by Zhong Shenglin.

He chuckled. "It's indeed Qin family's blessing to have her."

For a moment, everyone fell silent. They even suspected that Zhong Shenglin was saying this on purpose to attack Mrs Qin.

But Old Master Zhong was famous for being cold, aloof and difficult to approach. Why would he side with Pei Yunge?!

Then, just as everyone found this strange and was about to ask more, the Director of the hospital interrupted them.