You Have To Endure the Pain You Are Experiencing Now

How could it be her!?

All the rationality in the young man's mind vanished!

It was Pei Yunge!

The person he was talking to just now was Pei Yunge?!

"Pei Yunge, what are you trying to do?!" The young man snapped out of his daze and questioned her calmly.

However, what answered him was a soft laugh from Pei Yunge.

Although she did not seem to care, she suddenly grabbed the young man's collar with her fair and slender hand and pulled him towards the alley at the side!

On the other hand, the young man whose face was flushed red from being strangled staggered, but was unable to break free!

After his scalp turned numb, fear filled his eyes. "Pei! Pei Yunge!! Peiー"


Before the young man could finish speaking, the girl used her kneecap to push against his abdomen ruthlessly!
