Older Brother Is Still Angry

Pei Yunge thought that Huo Shidu must have heard the bustling atmosphere in the bar on the phone just now.


For the first time in her life, she felt like she had been caught for doing something wrong.

Pei Yunge's eyebrows twitched when she heard a meow.

In the blink of an eye, she saw a little orange cat sitting on the street, looking pitiful.

Seeing it, the corners of Pei Yunge's lips lifted and she sat beside the little orange cat. With a hand on her cheek, the two of them sat by the roadside.

They looked pitiful.

The little orange cat probably did not expect someone to copy itself and act pitiful. It was instantly furious.

It howled and finally ran away with its tail between its legs.

"So petty."

Pei Yunge laughed lazily, but was wondering if Huo Shidu would chide her on the streets when he saw her sitting here later.