How Fiercely They Doted On Their Younger Sister


Qin Yu sent another message.

[Qin Yu: My young brother is ignorant. Sorry for the embarrassment, Teacher Wen.]

[Qin Yu: Where is Ge'er?]

[Qin Yu: [I'll give you a flower.jpg]

The form teacher's eyelid twitched. As if she had just seen the epic fight between the rich, she sent Qin Yu the teaching block number with trembling hands.


After Qin Lang found that he had been removed from the group, he messaged Qin Yu crazily.

[Hey, are you even human?? [Question]]

[Qin Yu, add me back.]

[Did you see that????]

[Okay, Qin Yu. I'm going to expose this ugly face of yours right now and let your fans see what kind of dogsh*t they have become fans of. [smile] [smile]]]

However, at this moment.

Qin Yu had already gotten into the huge van and was heading to Hengde High School with a clear conscience.