I Think You're Tired Of Living

Without thinking, the dean said, "Expel whoever is involved!"

Hearing this, Xie Ziyue almost lost her balance. Beside her, Xiaoya's heart skipped a beat. She never thought that things would escalate to this extent!

In the past, the school had caught several couples who had gotten into relationships early, but at most, they would be punished.

But this time, the situation was clearly more serious.


Pei Yunge's lips curved into a careless smile.

Ten minutes later.

A boy who could not be associated with the word 'handsome' appeared. He was strong and had wheat-colored skin.

"Dean, why are you looking for me?"

With that said, Ren Pengfei suddenly noticed Xie Ziyue beside him and his heart skipped a beat.

However, very quickly, he found another girl who was so beautiful that she attracted everyone's attention. She seemed a little familiar.

After that…