Arson in the Old House


Auntie Miao was about to speak when Huo Shidu gestured for her to remain silent.

Meanwhile, Pei Yunge, who knew nothing, picked up her phone again. Looking at the time on the screen, she fell into deep thought.

It was 8PM.

8PM or not, this man probably would not return home even after 10PM.

Suddenly, Pei Yunge started to understand how Huo Shidu felt when he caught her at the bar.


Pei Yunge closed the notebook immediately. However, when she looked up, she saw the handsome and dignified man with one knee slightly bent.

He pulled down the neckline of his shirt casually with his slender and well-defined fingers, making him look lazy and attractive.

At this moment.

What Pei Yunge's eyes were searching for was the mole on the man's sexy Adam's apple.

The mole in that position.

It looked too lustful.

Before long, she slowly looked away.

Pei Yunge said, "Older Brother is back quite early."