Master Du Is Too Strict

Pei Yunge couldn't answer for a moment.

Huo Shidu asked again, "You don't want to tell me?"


Pei Yunge pulled up her hood and covered half of her face, only revealing a sharp chin. She slowly turned her head away. "I only found out today too."

Hearing this, Huo Shidu glanced at Pei Yunge, the tip of his throat rolling slightly as he laughed softly. He did not ask further.

This child was really hard to manage.

The next evening.

Pei Yunge went straight to the Lus.

At the Huo Corporation.

In the office.

"Master Du, Miss Pei is going to the Lu family today. Aren't you go with her?" Ceng Xu probed carefully.

"Just send them the gift you prepared."

Hearing the man say this, Ceng Xu's eyelids twitched.

Then why did you text Miss Pei so often today?

Didn't he just want Miss Pei to let him go with her?!

Ceng Xu cursed silently, but did not dare to show it on his face.