Was She Faking It On Purpose Before?!

How was this possible!?

Even Jiaojiao said that learning this piece of music would be very difficult. On what basis was Pei Yunge able to play it after listening to it once??

Not only Ling Jiwei, even Qin Youjiao's expression was terrible as she stared at Pei Yunge with dark eyes.


Back then, when Pei Yunge had just returned to the Qin family, she had deliberately tested Pei Yunge's ability. Not to mention the piano, she was clearly someone who couldn't even understand the score!

"Miss Pei played it perfectly, repeating a third of Manman's piece."

Yu Hanran smirked as if nothing had happened. However, he could not guess what Pei Yunge was thinking.

He could barely remember the score just now, but if he wanted to play it as easily as Pei Yunge, he would at least need to practice for a week.

However, this person even adapted it on the spot.

At this moment, Yu Manran instantly understood what was going on!