Not Your President's Younger Sister

Pei Yunge glanced at the nosy woman and then at the screen of her phone. "They'll be back in three minutes. Aren't you leaving?"

"Miss, please come out with me. As an employee, I want to do everything I can for my boss." The female secretary didn't believe that this girl really knew when Master Du would return.

If he was really returning in three minutes, would she dare to sit here?

"What if I don't want to go out?"

Pei Yunge leaned against the sofa lazily, her black curly hair spread out casually, but her eyes were soul-stirring.

Even a woman like her could feel how attractive this girl was.

The female secretary gritted her teeth and warned deliberately to scare her, "Miss, you don't want me to get the security officers to invite you out, do you?"

A young lady with such a good family background should be most afraid of losing face.

"Miss Secretary, did you misunderstand something?" Pei Yunge suddenly laughed.