A Perfect Score for the College Entrance Examination?

Seeing that the girl did not even lift her head, Huo Shidu smirked silently and continued to review the documents in his hand.

The next day.

Chu Zhixing held the handwritten and translated documents in his hand. After a long time, he finally decided that this was the translated version of his application form.

In the whole class, only Pei Yunge knew that he wanted to write this.

However, to Chu Zhixing's disbelief, the explanation he wrote seriously this time had many medical terms.

Pei Yunge could actually complete this application so skillfully in school…

It didn't seem to take too much time.

Chu Zhixing suppressed the surging emotions in his heart as he remembered Pei Yunge's English score.

With such translation abilities, how could she only score 87 marks…

Suddenly, Chu Zhixing felt that he seemed to have realized something amazing.

They were still having Mathematics lesson.