Who's Eating Noodles In The Institute?!

"Explanation? What explanation?"

The Director of the hospital sipped his chrysanthemum tea expressionlessly.

"Old Mr Qin is my patient. Your hospital doesn't allow me to treat him, does that mean you don't take human lives seriously?" Fang Gesheng's tone was cynical.

The Director of the hospital smiled. "Of course not. However, Old Master Qin has signed an agreement that this surgery can only be carried out if his granddaughter, Pei Yunge, agrees to it."

"Isn't Qin Youjiao his granddaughter too?"

"How would I know? Maybe the old man thinks that Miss Pei is more sensible."

With that said, the Director of the hospital slowly poured a cup of chrysanthemum tea. "Doctor Fang, come and have some tea to calm your anger."

Fang Gesheng sneered. "Director, I don't want to beat around the bush with you either. Since I've come to Yun Cheng, this patient must be taken care of by me. I can't just sit here and do nothing."