Change of Attitude!

"Mr Steven, I'm just here to confirm the arrangement. But since it's you, of course it's fine."

Hearing the 180-degree change in Fang Gesheng's attitude, the Director's eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

"Even if he eats instant noodles in meetings, it can't stop him from having excellent professionalism. Don't you think so, Doctor Fang?"

The Director of the hospital asked with a smile in their native language.

Fang Gesheng's expression was terrible and he was rendered speechless.

His mind was a mess. He never thought that the person Pei Yunge found would be Mr Steven…

Weren't Qin Youjiao and Mrs Qin playing with him?!

Steven's ability could be said to the top of the top in this field! In the end, this pair of mother and daughter still dared to seek treatment from him?!

Did they want to see him lose face on purpose?!

Outside the ward.