Call Me Older Brother And I'll Return It To You

Why was his hair wet?

Seeing that Huo Shidu remained silent, Pei Yunge met his eyes again.

The man's gaze was different too.

The hidden glimmer in his eyes was ambiguous and flirtatious, as if he was openly seducing her.

Pei Yunge's eyes seemed to burn for a moment before she quickly looked away and asked, "Why is your hair wet? Did you drink?"

There was a trace of alcohol on him.

Pei Yunge frowned unconsciously as she suddenly remembered something.

Last time at the Qin family old manor, Huo Shidu seemed to have smelled like alcohol too, and he had looked a little off.

Was it because she couldn't drink?

"Don't tell me you…" Did you fight with someone?

Pei Yunge's pretty eyes moved, but before she could finish speaking, the man suddenly approached her.

He was leaning forward, his eyes staring straight at her as he said carelessly, "Oh, it's little Yunyun."