Stirred Up


Pei Yunge was speechless.

The man's low and hoarse laughter was incredibly sexy.

"Yunyun, what's wrong?"

Pei Yunge raised an eyebrow and was about to stand up. However, she tripped over something in the darkness and fell back into the man's arms.

It seemed like Pei Yunge had accidentally jabbed the man's firm abdomen and she heard him grunt softly, making her blush and her heart thump faster.

"Brother, I…"

Before Pei Yunge could finish explaining, her eyes met with the man's.

The man was leaning against the wooden plank, his eyes frivolous and dark. His entire being exuded a strong sense of desire and desperation.


At this moment, Pei Yunge started to notice the man's Adam's apple through the darkness.

However, in the next second, Pei Yunge looked away quickly.

Seeing this, the man smirked almost imperceptibly. Before Pei Yunge could react, he suddenly moved closer.