Doctor Fang's Clarification


What made Qin Youjiao even more uneasy was that she seemed to be the only one in the entire circle who knew that Yu Manran was actually the eldest young lady of the Yu family.

If Yu Manran's identity was exposed, it would probably affect her a lot.

"Sister, do you know Yu Manran?" Qin Youjiao asked calmly.

"I do. I don't know where she poached a composer this year. She became famous with a single song and her popularity now is higher than the A-list celebrities."

Even they were interested in that composer.

However, she could not get any information at all. It was said that Yu Manran knew that person personally.

"Sister, can you find that composer?"

Qin Youjiao laughed. "She can quote her rate as high as possible. I want her to write a song for me."

In the evening, when Steven found out about this, he was furious!