Hengde's Parent-Teacher Conference

Others might not know how the company had offended the Huo Corporation.

However, Qin Youjiao knew it clearly.

It was all because of that man…

Qin Youjiao's eyes widened as she gritted her teeth, feeling extremely indignant.

How could this be??

That man was already willing to do this much for Pei Yunge?!

Time passed and it was Friday's Parent-Teacher Conference.

Most of the students of Class One and Class Two were in high spirits, while the usually arrogant and domineering Class Seven was strangely quiet.

"Deskmate, who will be attending your Parent-Teacher Conference this time?" Lu Yuansi went out with Pei Yunge to get some water.

"My brother."

Pei Yunge narrowed her eyes. She had only casually mentioned this to Huo Shidu once, and she didn't know if he remembered.

At that time, she was only focused on her score, and totally forgot that she might be scolded at the Parent-Teacher Conference.

"I see."