How Can You Bully Our Yunyun Like This?

After all…

Eldest Brother's temper was very unpredictable to begin with.

After Qin Yu and Qin Lang said goodbye to Pei Yunge, they left reluctantly.

Meanwhile, Pei Yunge leaned against the wall casually and knocked on the wall she was leaning against in boredom.

"You're still here?"

Lu Yuansi was a little surprised.

"My brother is having a private talk inside."

Pei Yunge glanced at him. "Why aren't your parents here?"

"My parents are overseas. The old lady has something on today, so she didn't come over."

Hearing this, Pei Yunge nodded. "Then you should go back early."

"That person inside is not your biological brother, right?" Lu Yuansi suddenly asked.

Pei Yunge didn't plan to hide it. "Mm."

Lu Yuansi's eyes darkened as if he was thinking of something. "Okay, then go back early. I'll get going first."

"Okay, bye." Pei Yunge waved.