Master Du, You Are Bad at Managing Your Household

At this moment.

Huo Shidu had just finished a meeting and found that there was a little one missing.

"Where's your sister?"

Huo Shidu bent down slightly on one knee and looked at Momo at eye level.

With his hands on his cheeks and his head tilted, Momo placed his homework far away. "Sister went to look for a friend."

"Look for a friend?"

Huo Shidu raised an eyebrow slightly.

He had never paid attention to this little fellow's social circle.

"Did she say when she'll be back?"

Momo shook his head and explained for Pei Yunge.

"Sister left in a hurry."



Yu Hanran called.

"What's the matter?" Huo Shidu's tone was casual as he walked towards his desk.

"Hahaha, Master Du, you are bad at managing your household. Our sister even went to Muse." Yu Hanran gloated and called the moment he heard the news.

"How did you know?"