Dote On Her

Jian Xi continued to ask, "Which school?"

"Hengde," Pei Yunge answered as she did her work.

Hearing this, Jian Xi felt extremely regretful!

Why did she skip a grade back then? If not, she could have been classmates with her teacher?!

"Wait… Hengde?"

Jian Xi's smile froze.

A while back, didn't the school's leaders ask her to go to Hengde to give a talk on how to handle the college entrance examination and also encourage the students?

"What's wrong?"

Pei Yunge turned her head and glanced at Jian Xi.

Jian Xi shook her head crazily and forced a smile. "Nothing."

No, she definitely couldn't go!

If she went on stage to give a speech and saw Pei Yunge, she would probably be so nervous that she would not be able to speak.

As Pei Yunge still had something on and needed to talk to Zhong Shenglin, Pei Yunge let Jian Xi go back first when the class was about to end.
