Older Brother, Do You Have Someone You Like?

"Have you thought about what you are going to do on your birthday?"

Lu Yuansi asked.

"It's just another day." Pei Yunge suppressed the emotions in her eyes.

In her previous life, Mrs Pei was busy with research. Mr Pei had his own family and no one remembered her birthday.

However, Mrs Pei's death anniversary happened to be on Pei Yunge's 18th birthday.

Back home.

Pei Yunge had just walked into the living room when she saw Huo Shidu sitting in front of a laptop. On his tall nose bridge was a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles.

The man's eyes were cold and graceful. The two buttons on his collar revealed the lines of his collarbone. From the side, the man's sexy neckline outlined his loose-fitting white shirt.

A refined scum.

After the first thought appeared in Pei Yunge's mind, she could not help but take out her phone and take a picture of this scene.