@ Qin Corporation, Come and Fight Now

Lei Ya waited until there were fewer people in the school before she quickly took a few photos of Qin Youjiao and Pei Yunge's results list.


Unfortunately, Chu Zhixing happened to see Lei Ya acting suspiciously.

Chu Zhixing walked towards the Year Roll and thought for a moment. However, he never thought that this matter would involve Pei Yunge.

After all, Chu Zhixing didn't know the relationship between Pei Yunge and Lei Ya.

Pei Yunge, who had just returned home, had some free time as she glanced at the headlines.

The top three of the rankings were all trending topics related to Maps of the Gods. When she clicked on them, she saw that they were all analysis posts about the poor management of the branch of the game.

After looking at it for a few minutes, Pei Yunge turned off her phone and threw it on the bed casually before she went to shower.