Headquarters: Y.G.'s Assistance

Pei Yunge raised an eyebrow and looked at them casually. She seemed to have thought of something. In the end, her fingers moved slightly.


[Send me the information.]

At this moment.

The moment he saw Pei Yunge's reply on her phone, he regained his senses!!

She agreed, she agreed!

She had finally agreed!

Immediately after, the man regained his senses and hurriedly got out of bed. After changing his clothes, he went straight to the company to get the documents, as if he was afraid that Pei Yunge would go back on her words.


That night in Country A, the Maps of the Gods's official account uploaded a post.

[EG Corporation - Maps of the Gods headquarters: Thank you everyone for your love and concern for Maps of the Gods. Maps of the Gods represents the youth and passion of countless people. It will continue to exist for every generation.]