Late Guests

The founder of Minglan Corporation??

Wasn't he the richest man in D City?


Many people already felt that compared to Pei Yunge, Qin Youjiao was more valuable.

At this moment, when they heard this, many people's thoughts immediately stirred.

"President Qin, I also think that your Miss's temper should be changed appropriately. It's just a joke."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, Old Master Qin. Everyone's mood has been ruined."

Those who planned to leave pushed all the blame onto Pei Yunge.

Seeing this, the leader of the troublemakers glanced at Pei Yunge provocatively when he was about to leave with seven to eight guests.

This time, he really completed the task Mrs Cheng gave him easily.


Just as the man was mocking and ridiculing the Qin family in his heart, the guests who followed out suddenly felt a little agitated and shocked.