Collecting Big Bosses Like Stamps

"What's wrong with that? I'm an elder. That's how it should be."

Hearing this, the man's eyes still looked calm, but they became inexplicably aggressive.

He snorted. "Ridiculous."

Ceng Xu was bewildered.

"As an elder, you have to know your limits. Don't let the younger generation misunderstand. It's your duty to show appropriate concern."

No one knew who Huo Shidu was talking to.

Ceng Xu scratched his head in confusion. "Misunderstanding??"

Why would there be a misunderstanding?

What could a three to four-year-old niece misunderstand anything?

"Go get the car. I'm heading to the office first."

There was no emotion in Huo Shidu's dignified and superior eyes. His tone was light and graceful.


After Ceng Xu left, Huo Shidu unconsciously caressed his thin red lips with the back of his fingers, remembering what happened last night, including that secret kiss.