The Answer

Seeing Pei Yunge openly questioning a professor from Nili University, Cheng Zihuai snorted and looked away.

"You're simply courting death."

He wondered why this woman was able to cause trouble every time.

Qin Youjiao also smiled, but the sarcasm hidden in her eyes was self-evident.

At this moment.

"Professor, aren't you going to recalculate it?"

Professor Omar was not happy to be questioned like this. He only maintained a smile and said, "If you think it's wrong, why don't you try it on stage?"

These words were also a reminder to Pei Yunge not to speak if she didn't understand.

After all, this question had a lot of calculations. He didn't want to waste time.

Who knew…

Pei Yunge really stood up and slowly walked towards the stage. She picked up the chalk on the table.

Seeing this, a dark look flashed past Lei Ya, who had remained silent the whole time. She asked unconsciously, "Does she really know how to do it?"