Nurturing Her As The Successor

The entire place seemed a little quiet.

Old Master Yun's chopsticks fell onto the table accidentally.

What was with this new Elder Young Miss of the Qin family?

There were rumors in the industry that the fake young lady of the Qin family was extremely talented and well-rounded. The real young lady only had a good life, but she was not capable at all.

However, just now, he had heard that two famous schools were fighting to get Pei Yunge. Now, he saw with his own eyes that the top international musician seemed to have a good relationship with this Elder Young Miss…

The alarm in Mrs Qin's heart rang. "What you said just now means…"

Du Xiao could not help looking at Pei Yunge. "Ge'er, do you really want to find a teacher?"

His eyes were shining as he looked at Pei Yunge with anticipation.

It was completely different from how he had rejected Qin Youjiao righteously just now.