The Person-In-Charge of Recruitment, YUN

"It's Manman's composer. She's called YUN."

Hearing this, helplessness appeared in Bo Xiuchen's cold and arrogant eyes. "Since we know each other, can't we just contact Yu Manran directly?"

"I've contacted her. This won't work."

Mrs Bo's face was filled with worry. "Manman said that if we really went to find YUN, that person might directly eliminate the Old Master."

"Sigh, why are there so many people in this world who don't bend for money?"

Bo Xiuchen glanced at her and did not say anything more.

A moment later.

He suddenly remembered. "Is the Old Master fishing? I didn't see him when I passed by the pond just now."

"He found the wind cold and got the butler to catch a few fish and put them in the bucket. He's fishing upstairs."

Bo Xiuchen asked, "…Then will he come downstairs for dinner later?"

"Maybe not."


The entire Bo family started to worry about the worrisome Old Master.

Half an hour later.