Delivery from the Older Brothers

Pei Yunge accompanied Director Lin for half an hour and was about to return to the apartment when she suddenly received a call.

It was Ceng Xu.

"Miss Pei?"

Pei Yunge asked, "What's wrong? Is Older Brother looking for me because of something urgent?"

Ceng Xu was silent for a moment, as if he was organizing his words.

Then, Pei Yunge heard Ceng Xu say, "Miss Pei, it's like this. Your Eldest Brother, Second Brother, and Third Brother have gotten someone to send something over. However, it seems to be very expensive. We need you to receive it."

Hearing this, Pei Yunge suddenly remembered the key Qin Luyan had given her last time.

He had sent the safe to the Huo Corporation??

Then what did Qin Yu and Qin Lang send her?

Pei Yunge's eyes twitched. "Okay, then I'll go there in the afternoon."