Experienced VS Rookie

The billion dollar project this time had indeed made many people envious. And the rise of a newcomer would definitely affect the interests of others.

So now, everyone was saying that 'Y.G.' was just a talented newcomer that had been packaged by the Delani Corporation.

Hong Chongzhen took the lead in denouncing Y.G.. This kind of opportunistic and powerless person would only tarnish the scientific research field.

After Pei Yunge finished searching the related reports, she chuckled in surprise.

After all, in her previous life, Pei Yunge had Meng Ying as her mother and her life in the scientific research field had been smooth sailing.

In the eyes of others, Pei Yunge was born at the finishing point. Others had to work a hundred times harder to offset the education resources Pei Yunge had since she was born.