Can't I Afford It?

The smile on Qin Youjiao's face froze even more as a coldness that could not be hidden arose in her.

At this moment.

The girl regained her senses and instantly panicked. "Um, Jiaojiao, I didn't mean to ridicule you on purpose."

"It's alright."

Qin Youjiao laughed.

Seeing that Qin Youjiao was really not angry, the girl heaved a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, Jiaojiao, you're kind and forgiving."

"Oh right, Jiaojiao, this is a gift I specially prepared for you." The girl regained her senses and immediately handed a gift box to Qin Youjiao.

"Really? Thank you, Ningning."

Qin Youjiao looked very happy and immediately received the gift.

"You're welcome. Youjiao, you're my best friend. I bought this when I went to B City last time. It's a gift for you. Okay, my father is here to fetch me. I'll get going first."

"Mm, bye."