Spoiled Child

This man's stamina was quite good.

After running for so long, she did not see him panting.

Ten minutes later.

Pei Yunge no longer had the patience to continue running. She grabbed the man's shirt in front of her.

"Brother, it's time to go and eat."

Pei Yunge had been sitting in the research lab and sleeping in the classroom for too long. She really could not keep up.

"Yunyun, your physique isn't too good. I'll give you some time to catch your breath. Let's continue later?" Huo Shidu looked at the little girl in front of him. Her eyes were dark and bright. She clearly didn't look tired and her cheeks were still flushed with a healthy pink color, but she was already asking to stop.

A spoiled child.


Hearing this, Pei Yunge glanced at him faintly. "You're the one who's panting."

The man froze for a moment, before his eyes curved and a faint and languid smile appeared.