Rejecting the Competition

Everyone in the class heard Ling Jiwei's words clearly.

"I've asked my uncle. In the decades of competition, only two people have gotten full marks. One is Professor Si Chengyan, who is currently working in Yun Cheng University. The other is you."

A dark glint flashed past Pei Yunge's eyes, making it difficult to see her emotions.


"Professor Si Chengyan was a top student in the National College Entrance Examination back then and got first place with 739 points. The second place lost to Professor Si Chengyan by more than 10 points."

Ling Jiwei's tone was arrogant as if the person she was talking about was herself. "Of course, when you hear this, you will think that this score is nothing."

"But you have to know that the average score for Professor Si Chengyan's National College Entrance Examination was a fail."

When everyone heard this, a thought appeared in their minds.