YUN Is Here!

Pei Yunge took a step back.

"Brother, stop seducing me like this."

Hearing this, the man probably did not expect the little girl to be so direct. He could not help but chuckle softly.

However, in the next moment, the man's eyes darkened even more, as if he was openly seducing her.

His posture was frivolous. "How is Older Brother seducing you?"

Pei Yunge was speechless.

Didn't he know how he seduced her?

Seeing how this man was being sarcastic and teasing her, Pei Yunge smiled and took a step back.

In the next second.

She quickly closed the door.

Seeing the little girl's furious appearance, the man's smile was light and lazy. His pair of pale peach blossom eyes and the corners of his upturned eyes were especially charming.

He knocked on the door.

There was a trace of delight in his low and magnetic lazy voice. It was a little indulgent and doting. "Little Princess, good night."

The next day.