What I'm Doing to You Is Called Teaching You a Lesson

"No way…"

Clutching his little heart, Nance found it hard to believe. "I was just searching casually and found Y.G.??? The Y.G. who's not even 20 years old??"

Zhong Shenglin was speechless.

Those who didn't know better would think that Nanc had invented a time machine to find Pei Yunge.

"Y.G. is a high school student? Why didn't you f*cking say so earlier?!"

Zhong Shenglin chuckled. "I'm already tired from fighting with Marcus and Steven every day. With you, are you planning to gather a table of mahjong players?"

Nance was speechless. "…Wait, what does this have to do with Steven?"

Marcus was also in the computing field, so he could understand. But why was Steven being mentioned??

"Ge'er knows a little biomedical engineering and gave Steven a research and development machine, so Steven believes that Ge'er has the talent to learn medicine." Besides, this fellow seemed to really know medicine.