This Student Is Too Strange

Hearing this, everyone's body trembled at first. Then, they slowly looked down stiffly and saw the first place in the top ten ranking clearly.

Class: Year Two (7)

Name: Pei Yunge

Comprehensive Sciences score: 300

Ranking: 1

Everyone was bewildered.

Why was it this person again?!

Everyone regained their senses and immediately checked Pei Yunge's other results.

Chinese: 148

English: 150

Mathematics: 0

Overall Ranking: 3


The Mathematics teacher almost could not hold it in and cursed, "What's with this Pei Yunge?? She got zero in my subject??"

Teacher Wen was pulled back to reality by the Mathematics teacher's voice and immediately explained, "She took leave first and came back during the English exam. However, when she reached the examination hall, her listening comprehension test had already ended…"