First Appearance

Everyone was speechless.

Zhang Yang could not help sneering. "Are you mocking us?"

Pei Yunge raised an eyebrow. No one noticed that she was typing some order. They only heard her say slowly, "Then continue."

Zhang Yang wanted to continue speaking, but was suddenly interrupted by Qin Luyan.

"Zhang Yang, if you want to continue staying in the company, mind your own business."

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's expression turned ugly, but he could only remain silent.

At this moment.

The other technicians also realized that something was wrong.

"W-Why aren't our computers working anymore?"

"Damn, no way??"

The few technicians' faces were livid!


Zhang Yang quickly called his master, but the answer he got made his face pale.

"P-President Qin, my master said that this was done by a hacker organization, but he can't deal with so many hacker attacks. As for our computers… he doesn't know what's going on either."