Is That Genius So Difficult to Deal With?

[Aren't the questions quite difficult too? Student Pei, we are talented people, so we should work harder, right??]

[Student Pei?]

Seeing these messages that came every day, Pei Yunge's eyelids twitched unconsciously.

Marcus had let her try these questions before she went to Yun University.

Due to the Mathematics thesis she had published on the international forum, many people said that Y.G. might be able to try the eight questions that were the most difficult to solve in the Mathematics world.

However, Pei Yunge had already rejected him.

In her previous life, there were indeed seven problems similar to these that had been left behind by ancestors for future generations to solve.

As the youngest person to solve the questions, Pei Yunge was praised to the altar. However, for some reason, she did not continue answering the remaining three questions.